Four Tech Tools To Make Virtual Learning Viable

Aug 28, 2020 | B2B + Technology, Media Coverage

Windstream Enterprise weighs in on the future of remote learning.

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With remote learning extending to the fall for many, educators continue to prioritize remote learning capabilities as several brick-and-mortar schools remain closed. Feed Media’s client, Windstream Enterprise, weighs in on the future of remote learning and shares how they’ve created a well-protected and sustainable remote learning program for educators, students and schools in the latest interview with Education IT Reporter.

“But as scores of districts around the country are demonstrating (and as we at Windstream Enterprise have been witnessing firsthand in our work with education clients), a robust, well-protected remote learning program can be rolled out and sustained, provided several key digital infrastructure pieces and capabilities are in place, including:

A unified communications-as-a-service (UCaaS) solution designed for the education environment. We’re hearing every day that the biggest benefit of a UCaaS solution is the ability of teachers and administrators to remain accessible without having to share their personal cell number. This can be achieved through a UCaaS solution that enables users to make and receive calls on the school number, via a smartphone app or web interface,” writes Desi Stoops, Windstream’s vice president for state government and transport sales.

Learn more about Windstream’s UCaaS solution and how they are setting the bar for the future of remote learning in the article from Education IT Reporter here.

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