These Ski Resorts Lead the Pack on Sustainability in the West

Dec 3, 2020 | Media Coverage, Travel + Tourism

Taos Ski Valley is the first ski resort in the world rated as a B-Corp.

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Sunset featured Feed Media client Taos Ski Valley as a leading ski resort in sustainability.

Taos Ski Valley is the first ski resort in the world rated as a B-Corp for its commitment to social and environmental efforts. In the past six years, this green ski resort has eliminated plastic-bottle sales, installed energy-efficient lighting, and aided in watershed restorations of the area. With its snow farming program, Taos is able to store up powder as it falls, curbing the amount of artificial stuff they have to make later, ” writes Stephanie Granada with Sunset.

Learn more about why Taos Ski Valley was rated as the first B-Corp ski resort here.

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