How To Make An Award-Winning Burger—According To A ‘Top Chef’

Aug 6, 2024 | Media Coverage, Restaurants + Chefs

Chef Manny Barella, Culinary Director at Jaguar Bolera and Camp Pickle, shares his tips and tricks for making the best burger in this Forbes feature.

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“Most burgers in America are seasoned with a little salt and pepper and tend to taste the same, says Barella, who grew up in Mexico. His trick? Cook down vegetables like onions and garlic then fold them into the meat with your seasonings. “That way, the meat is also seasoned inside and not just on the outside,” Barella says. If you’re cooking on a flat top, try adding extra pepper on the outside—open fire burns the peppercorn too quickly.

If the burger tastes great on its own, the cheese, toppings, and bun are there to play a supporting cast role. Barella’s motto: “In order to be extraordinary do ordinary things extraordinarily well.” (Though, he admits, he’s a sucker for a truffle mayo).”

Read more from the Forbes article here.

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